Children Dentistry

Dental care or dentalcare is the maintenance of healthy teeth and may refer to: Oral hygiene, the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean in order to prevent dental disorders. Dentistry, the professional care of teeth, including professional oral hygiene and dental surgery.

Children Dentistry

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Start early and save dental trips. Bi annual dental checkups are recommended for the entire family including your tiny tots. The first tooth appears before a child's first birthday. Ask us how to be dentally aware to prevent early cavities. The first physical check up at the dentist should be completed at least by the age of 6. This is the time when the child is losing his milk teeth and gaining the permanents which are going to last the rest of his life. Persistent Lip/Thumb sucking and/or over retained milk teeth which refuse to shed off as per schedule can lead to crooked, protruded or even absent permanent teeth which may progress to the need for Braces.